Source code for class_resolver.api

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Resolve classes."""

import inspect
import logging
from textwrap import dedent
from typing import Any, Collection, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Type, TypeVar

from .base import BaseResolver
from .utils import (

__all__ = [
    # Type Hints
    # Classes
    # Utilities
    # Exceptions

X = TypeVar("X")

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class KeywordArgumentError(TypeError): """Thrown when missing a keyword-only argument.""" def __init__(self, cls, s: str): """Initialize the error. :param cls: The class that was trying to be instantiated :param s: The string describing the original type error """ self.cls = cls = s.rstrip("'").rsplit("'", 1)[1] def __str__(self) -> str: # noqa:D105 return f"{self.cls.__name__}: __init__() missing 1 required keyword-only argument: '{}'"
[docs]class UnexpectedKeywordError(TypeError): """Thrown when no arguments were expected.""" def __init__(self, cls): """Initialize the error. :param cls: The class that was trying to be instantiated """ self.cls = cls def __str__(self) -> str: # noqa:D105 return f"{self.cls.__name__} did not expect any keyword arguments"
MISSING_ARGS = [ "takes no parameters", # in 3.6 "takes no arguments", # > 3.7 ]
[docs]class ClassResolver(BaseResolver[Type[X], X]): """Resolve from a list of classes.""" #: The base class base: Type[X] #: The shared suffix fo all classes derived from the base class suffix: str #: The variable name to look up synonyms in classes that are registered with this resolver synonyms_attribute: Optional[str] def __init__( self, classes: Optional[Collection[Type[X]]] = None, *, base: Type[X], default: Optional[Type[X]] = None, suffix: Optional[str] = None, synonyms: Optional[Mapping[str, Type[X]]] = None, synonym_attribute: Optional[str] = "synonyms", base_as_suffix: bool = True, ) -> None: """Initialize the resolver. :param classes: A list of classes :param base: The base class :param default: The default class :param suffix: The optional shared suffix of all instances. If not none, will override ``base_as_suffix``. :param synonyms: The optional synonym dictionary :param synonym_attribute: The attribute to look in each class for synonyms. Explicitly set to None to turn off synonym lookup. :param base_as_suffix: Should the base class's name be used as the suffix if none is given? Defaults to true. """ self.base = base self.synonyms_attribute = synonym_attribute if suffix is not None: if suffix == "": suffix = None elif base_as_suffix: suffix = normalize_string(self.base.__name__) super().__init__( elements=classes, synonyms=synonyms, default=default, suffix=suffix, )
[docs] def extract_name(self, element: Type[X]) -> str: """Get the name for an element.""" return element.__name__
[docs] def extract_synonyms(self, element: Type[X]) -> Collection[str]: """Get synonyms from an element.""" if not self.synonyms_attribute: return [] return getattr(element, self.synonyms_attribute, None) or []
[docs] @classmethod def from_subclasses( cls, base: Type[X], *, skip: Optional[Collection[Type[X]]] = None, exclude_private: bool = True, exclude_external: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> "ClassResolver": """Make a resolver from the subclasses of a given class. :param base: The base class whose subclasses will be indexed :param skip: Any subclasses to skip (usually good to hardcode intermediate base classes) :param exclude_private: If true, will skip any class that comes from a module starting with an underscore (i.e., a private module). This is typically done when having shadow duplicate classes implemented in C :param exclude_external: If true, will exclude any class that does not originate from the same package as the base class. :param kwargs: remaining keyword arguments to pass to :func:`Resolver.__init__` :return: A resolver instance """ skip = set(skip) if skip else set() return cls( { subcls for subcls in get_subclasses( base, exclude_private=exclude_private, exclude_external=exclude_external ) if subcls not in skip }, base=base, **kwargs, )
[docs] def normalize_inst(self, x: X) -> str: """Normalize the class name of the instance.""" return self.normalize_cls(x.__class__)
[docs] def normalize_cls(self, cls: Type[X]) -> str: """Normalize the class name.""" return self.normalize(cls.__name__)
[docs] def lookup(self, query: HintOrType[X], default: Optional[Type[X]] = None) -> Type[X]: """Lookup a class.""" return get_cls( query, base=self.base, lookup_dict=self.lookup_dict, lookup_dict_synonyms=self.synonyms, default=default or self.default, suffix=self.suffix, )
[docs] def signature(self, query: HintOrType[X]) -> inspect.Signature: """Get the signature for the given class via :func:`inspect.signature`.""" cls = self.lookup(query) return inspect.signature(cls)
[docs] def supports_argument(self, query: HintOrType[X], parameter_name: str) -> bool: """Determine if the class constructor supports the given argument.""" return parameter_name in self.signature(query).parameters
[docs] def make( self, query: HintOrType[X], pos_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> X: """Instantiate a class with optional kwargs.""" if query is None or isinstance(query, (str, type)): cls: Type[X] = self.lookup(query) try: return cls(**(pos_kwargs or {}), **kwargs) # type: ignore except TypeError as e: if "required keyword-only argument" in e.args[0]: raise KeywordArgumentError(cls, e.args[0]) from None if any(text in e.args[0] for text in MISSING_ARGS): raise UnexpectedKeywordError(cls) from None raise e # An instance was passed, and it will go through without modification. return query
[docs] def make_from_kwargs( self, data: Mapping[str, Any], key: str, *, kwargs_suffix: str = "kwargs", **o_kwargs, ) -> X: """Instantiate a class, by looking up query/pos_kwargs from a dictionary. :param data: A dictionary that contains entry ``key`` and entry ``{key}_{kwargs_suffix}``. :param key: The key in the dictionary whose value will be put in the ``query`` argument of :func:`make`. :param kwargs_suffix: The suffix after ``key`` to look up the data. For example, if ``key='model'`` and ``kwargs_suffix='kwargs'`` (the default value), then the kwargs from :func:`make` are looked up via ``data['model_kwargs']``. :param o_kwargs: Additional kwargs to be passed to :func:`make` :returns: An instance of the X datatype parametrized by this resolver """ query = data.get(key, None) pos_kwargs = data.get(f"{key}_{kwargs_suffix}", {}) return self.make(query=query, pos_kwargs=pos_kwargs, **o_kwargs)
[docs] def ray_tune_search_space(self, kwargs_search_space: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None): """Return a search space for ray.tune. ray.tune is a package for distributed hyperparameter optimization. The search space for this search is defined as a (nested) dictionary, which can contain special values `tune.{choice,uniform,...}`. For these values, the search algorithm will sample a specific configuration. This method can be used to create a tune.choice sampler for the choices available to the resolver. By default, this is equivalent to .. code-block:: python ray.tune.choice(self.options) If additional `kwargs_search_space` are passed, they are assumed to be a sub-search space for the constructor parameters passed via `pos_kwargs`. The resulting sub-search thus looks as follows: .. code-block:: python ray.tune.choice( query=self.options, **kwargs_search_space, ) :param kwargs_search_space: Additional sub search space for the constructor's parameters. :return: A ray.tune compatible search space. :raises ImportError: If ray.tune is not installed. .. seealso :: """ try: import ray.tune except ImportError: raise ImportError( dedent( """ To use ray_tune_search_space please install ray tune first. You can do so by selecting the appropriate install option for the package pip install class-resolver[ray] or by manually installing ray tune pip install ray[tune] """, ) ) from None query = ray.tune.choice(self.options) if kwargs_search_space is None: return query return dict( query=query, **kwargs_search_space, )
[docs] def make_many( self, queries: OneOrManyHintOrType = None, kwargs: OneOrManyOptionalKwargs = None, **common_kwargs, ) -> List[X]: """Resolve and compose several queries together. :param queries: Either none (will result in the default X), a single X (as either a class, instance, or string for class name), or a list of X's (as either a class, instance, or string for class name :param kwargs: Either none (will use all defaults), a single dictionary (will be used for all instances), or a list of dictionaries with the same length as ``queries`` :param common_kwargs: additional keyword-based parameters passed to all instantiated instances. :raises ValueError: If the number of queries and kwargs has a mismatch :returns: A list of X instances """ _query_list: Sequence[HintType[X]] _kwargs_list: Sequence[Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]] # Prepare the query list if queries is not None: _query_list = upgrade_to_sequence(queries) elif self.default is None: raise ValueError else: _query_list = [self.default] # Prepare the keyword arguments list if kwargs is None: _kwargs_list = [None] * len(_query_list) else: _kwargs_list = upgrade_to_sequence(kwargs) if 1 == len(_query_list) and 1 < len(_kwargs_list): _query_list = list(_query_list) * len(_kwargs_list) if 0 < len(_kwargs_list) and 0 == len(_query_list): raise ValueError("Keyword arguments were given but no query") elif 1 == len(_kwargs_list) == 1 and 1 < len(_query_list): _kwargs_list = list(_kwargs_list) * len(_query_list) elif len(_kwargs_list) != len(_query_list): raise ValueError("Mismatch in number number of queries and kwargs") return [ self.make(query=_result_tracker, pos_kwargs=_result_tracker_kwargs, **common_kwargs) for _result_tracker, _result_tracker_kwargs in zip(_query_list, _kwargs_list) ]
#: An alias to ClassResolver for backwards compatibility Resolver = ClassResolver
[docs]def get_cls( query: HintOrType[X], base: Type[X], lookup_dict: Mapping[str, Type[X]], lookup_dict_synonyms: Optional[Mapping[str, Type[X]]] = None, default: Optional[Type[X]] = None, suffix: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Type[X]: """Get a class by string, default, or implementation.""" if query is None: if default is None: raise ValueError(f"No default {base.__name__} set") return default elif not isinstance(query, (str, type, base)): raise TypeError(f"Invalid {base.__name__} type: {type(query)} - {query}") elif isinstance(query, str): key = normalize_string(query, suffix=suffix) if key in lookup_dict: return lookup_dict[key] elif lookup_dict_synonyms is not None and key in lookup_dict_synonyms: return lookup_dict_synonyms[key] else: valid_choices = sorted(set(lookup_dict.keys()).union(lookup_dict_synonyms or [])) raise KeyError( f"Invalid {base.__name__} name: {query} (normalized to: {key}). Valid choices are: {valid_choices}" ) elif isinstance(query, base): return query.__class__ elif isinstance(query, type) and issubclass(query, base): return query raise TypeError(f"Not subclass of {base.__name__}: {query}")