"""A base resolver."""
import logging
import sys
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections.abc import Collection, Iterable, Iterator, Mapping
from typing import (
if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 10):
from importlib.metadata import entry_points
from importlib_metadata import entry_points
from .utils import Hint, OptionalKwargs, X, Y, make_callback, normalize_string
import click.decorators
import optuna
__all__ = [
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class RegistrationError(KeyError, Generic[X], ABC):
"""Raised when trying to add a new element to a resolver with a pre-existing lookup key."""
def __init__(self, resolver: "BaseResolver[X, Y]", key: str, proposed: X, label: str):
"""Initialize the registration error.
:param resolver: The resolver where the registration error occurred
:param key: The key (either in the ``lookup_dict`` or ``synonyms``) where the conflict occurred
:param proposed: The proposed overwrite on the given key
:param label: The origin of the error (either "name" or "synonym")
self.resolver = resolver
self.key = key
self.proposed = proposed
self.label = label
self.existing = self._get_existing()
def _get_existing(self) -> X:
"""Get the pre-existing element based on the error type and the given key."""
def __str__(self) -> str:
"""Coerce the registration error to a string."""
return (
f"Conflict on registration of {self.label} {self.key}:\n"
f"Existing: {self.existing}\n"
f"Proposed: {self.proposed}"
class RegistrationNameConflict(RegistrationError[X]):
"""Raised on a conflict with the lookup dict."""
def _get_existing(self) -> X:
return self.resolver.lookup_dict[self.key]
class RegistrationSynonymConflict(RegistrationError[X]):
"""Raised on a conflict with the synonym dict."""
def _get_existing(self) -> X:
return self.resolver.synonyms[self.key]
class BaseResolver(ABC, Generic[X, Y]):
"""A resolver for arbitrary elements.
This class is parametrized by two variables:
- ``X`` is the type of element in the resolver
- ``Y`` is the type that gets made by the ``make`` function. This is typically
the same as ``X``, but might be different from ``X``, such as in the class resolver.
default: Optional[X]
#: The mapping from synonyms to the classes indexed by this resolver
synonyms: dict[str, X]
#: The mapping from normalized class names to the classes indexed by this resolver
lookup_dict: dict[str, X]
#: The shared suffix fo all classes derived from the base class
suffix: Optional[str]
def __init__(
elements: Optional[Iterable[X]] = None,
default: Optional[X] = None,
synonyms: Optional[Mapping[str, X]] = None,
suffix: Optional[str] = None,
"""Initialize the resolver.
:param elements: The elements to register
:param default: The optional default element
:param synonyms: The optional synonym dictionary
:param suffix: The optional shared suffix of all instances
self.default = default
self.synonyms = dict(synonyms or {})
self.lookup_dict = {}
self.suffix = suffix
if elements is not None:
for element in elements:
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[X]:
"""Iterate over the registered elements."""
return iter(self.lookup_dict.values())
def options(self) -> set[str]:
"""Return the normalized option names."""
return set(self.lookup_dict.keys()).union(self.synonyms.keys())
def normalize(self, s: str) -> str:
"""Normalize the string with this resolve's suffix."""
return normalize_string(s, suffix=self.suffix)
def register(
element: X,
synonyms: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
raise_on_conflict: bool = True,
) -> None:
"""Register an additional element with this resolver.
:param element: The element to register
:param synonyms: An optional iterable of synonyms to add for the element
:param raise_on_conflict: Determines the behavior when a conflict is encountered on either
the normalized element name or a synonym. If true, will raise an exception. If false, will
simply disregard the entry.
:raises RegistrationNameConflict: If ``raise_on_conflict`` is true
and there's a conflict with the lookup dict
:raises RegistrationSynonymConflict: If ``raise_on_conflict`` is true
and there's a conflict with the synonym dict
:raises ValueError: If any given synonyms are empty strings
key = self.normalize(self.extract_name(element))
if key not in self.lookup_dict and key not in self.synonyms:
self.lookup_dict[key] = element
elif key in self.lookup_dict and raise_on_conflict:
raise RegistrationNameConflict(self, key, element, label="name")
elif key in self.synonyms and raise_on_conflict:
raise RegistrationSynonymConflict(self, key, element, label="name")
_synonyms = set(synonyms or [])
for synonym in _synonyms:
synonym_key = self.normalize(synonym)
if not synonym_key:
raise ValueError(f"Tried to use empty synonym for {element}")
if synonym_key not in self.synonyms and synonym_key not in self.lookup_dict:
self.synonyms[synonym_key] = element
elif synonym_key in self.lookup_dict and raise_on_conflict:
raise RegistrationNameConflict(self, synonym_key, element, label="synonym")
elif synonym_key in self.synonyms and raise_on_conflict:
raise RegistrationSynonymConflict(self, synonym_key, element, label="synonym")
def lookup(self, query: Hint[X], default: Optional[X] = None) -> X:
"""Lookup an element."""
def docdata(self, query: Hint[X], *path: str, default: Optional[X] = None) -> Any:
"""Lookup an element and get its docdata.
:param query: The hint for looking something up in the resolver
passed to :func:`lookup`
:param path: An optional path for traversing the resulting docdata
:param default: The default value to pass to :func:`lookup`
:returns: The optional docdata retrieved with :func:`docdata.get_docdata`
from docdata import get_docdata
x = self.lookup(query=query, default=default)
rv = get_docdata(x)
for part in path:
rv = rv[part]
return rv
def make(
query: Hint[X],
pos_kwargs: OptionalKwargs = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Y:
"""Make an element."""
def make_safe(self, query: Hint[X], pos_kwargs: OptionalKwargs = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[Y]:
"""Run make, but pass through a none query."""
if query is None:
return None
return self.make(query=query, pos_kwargs=pos_kwargs, **kwargs)
def _default(self, default: Hint[X]) -> X:
if default is not None:
if isinstance(default, str):
return self.lookup(default)
return default
elif self.default is not None:
return self.default
raise ValueError("no default given either from resolver or explicitly")
def get_option(
*flags: str,
default: Hint[X] = None,
as_string: bool = False,
required: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Callable[["click.decorators.FC"], "click.decorators.FC"]:
"""Get a click option for this resolver."""
if not required:
norm_default = self._default(default)
looked_up = self.lookup(norm_default)
name = self.extract_name(looked_up)
key = self.normalize(name)
key = None
import click
# TODO are there better ways to type options?
return click.option( # type:ignore
type=click.Choice(list(self.lookup_dict), case_sensitive=False),
default=[key] if kwargs.get("multiple") else key,
callback=None if as_string else make_callback(self.lookup),
def register_entrypoint(self, group: str) -> None:
"""Register additional entries from an entrypoint."""
for element in self._from_entrypoint(group).difference(self.lookup_dict.values()):
def _from_entrypoint(group: str) -> set[X]:
elements: set[X] = set()
for entry in entry_points(group=group):
element = entry.load()
except (ImportError, AttributeError):
logger.warning("could not load %s", entry.name)
return elements
def from_entrypoint(cls, group: str, **kwargs: Any) -> "BaseResolver[X, Y]":
"""Make a resolver from the elements registered at the given entrypoint."""
elements = cls._from_entrypoint(group)
return cls(elements, **kwargs)
def optuna_lookup(self, trial: "optuna.Trial", name: str) -> X:
"""Suggest an element from this resolver for hyper-parameter optimization in Optuna.
:param trial: A trial object from :mod:`optuna`. Note that this object shouldn't be constructed
by the developer, and should only get constructed inside the optuna framework when
using :meth:`optuna.Study.optimize`.
:param name: The name of the `param` within an optuna study.
:returns: An element chosen by optuna, then run through :func:`lookup`.
In the following example, Optuna is used to determine the best classification
algorithm from scikit-learn when applied to the famous iris dataset.
.. code-block::
import optuna
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from class_resolver.contrib.sklearn import classifier_resolver
def objective(trial: optuna.Trial) -> float:
x, y = datasets.load_iris(return_X_y=True)
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
x, y, test_size=0.33, random_state=42,
clf_cls = classifier_resolver.optuna_lookup(trial, "model")
clf = clf_cls()
clf.fit(x_train, y_train)
return clf.score(x_test, y_test)
study = optuna.create_study(direction="maximize")
study.optimize(objective, n_trials=100)
key = trial.suggest_categorical(name, sorted(self.lookup_dict))
return self.lookup(key)